Camp registrations with deposit received on or before March 31st will get a 5% discount B4 HST.
Summer Competitive Dance Camps
Keep your well trained skills at their peak over the summer
& remain ready to conquer 2019!
Keep your well trained skills at their peak over the summer
& remain ready to conquer 2019!
**Summer Private Lessons Special 15% off **
4 x 30 minute sessions for $100.00 + HST. Book now to reserve as time slots are limited.
4 x 30 minute sessions for $100.00 + HST. Book now to reserve as time slots are limited.
Terrific Technique
Dance Camp This week long journey begins each morning with a technique and core strength training program specifically designed for our Prodigies. We then infuse these elements with turns, jumps, kicks and flexibility. The afternoon consists of student choreography sessions, partner work, tricks, and tumbling. Friday will be a half day of team bonding activities, either in or out of studio.
July 23rd - 27th 5 full days 9:00 am - 4:00 pm $300.00 + hst Before and/or after care available |
Summer Max out Intensive CampThe train insane program is exclusively for competitive students. Each day they will have classes in Stretch, Cardio, Ballet tech, Jazz, jumps and turns tech, Acro Tech and Tumbling. We will put focus on their growth as a competitive dancer. This program is designed to keep the dancers in shape, motivated, increase their flexibility and improve technique while embracing their artistic abilities
Friday the students will be having a day trip at Pickering beach whether permitting. The morning will consist of light jog along the boardwalk, Yoga, resistance training in the sand, picnic lunch followed by beach volleyball and team bonding activities. August 13th - 17th 5 full days 9:00 am - 4:00 pm $300.00 + hst Before and/or after care available |
4 Week Training ClassesJuly 12th & July 19th August 2nd & August 16th Mini 4 - 9 yrs Jazz Tech 4-5 pm Acro 5-6 pm $110.00 + hst Juniors 9 - 13 yr Acro 5-6 pm Flexibility Training 6-7 pm Jazz Tech 7-8 pm $160.00 + hst Intermediate and Senior 13+ Flexibility Training 5-6 pm Jazz Tech 6-7 pm Acro Tech 7-8 pm Contemporary 8-9 pm $200.00 + hst |
We also offer before and after care $75 for the week 8 - 9 am as well as 4 - 5:00 pm
Before or after care is also available $40 for the week 8 - 9 am or 4 - 5:00 pm
Before or after care is also available $40 for the week 8 - 9 am or 4 - 5:00 pm